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Monday, March 4, 2013


How professional are you?

Can you say you are a professional and an example to your profession?

Here are some of the most common office bad behaviour

 1. 'I’m disappointed in you' person

"Those sorts of people like to patronise people who are younger, like to lecture them and tell you you’re doing it wrong.

"They actually do it for their own sake. I think it was like mental harassment, there was one point where I actually had to hide to avoid being mentored," he says.

It makes them feel good talking down or giving orders.

2. The 'I’m actually really nice' person

This is one the most common office misfits, but also the most toxic, some people cannot help being obnoxious.

"That’s the person who sort of does something really nasty, like they’ll send an email saying 'this person didn't' do their job' or 'this person took a can of Coke from the fridge' and they’ll blind copy in all of senior management. Then in the next minute they’ll organise a gluten free cake for this person." (Snake in the Grass).

3. The 'I’m just so sick or I have personal issues, but I’m too important to go home' person.

We’re probably all guilty of this one, flattering ourselves that we are indispensable.

This person worries that "the world with stop, there will be tumbleweeds rolling down the office corridor, the office will shut down," if they call in sick or show a sign of weakness.

"They pride themselves on their work ethic but they cut the workforce participation by 20 per cent each year by leaving soggy tissues and coughing all over you."

All personal problems please leave at the door or even better leave them at home.

4. 'I know stuff before you do' person

This toxic type feeds off misery, fear of job cuts and love spreading bad news. They hate to share information and believe that hording information is a sure way to keep their job secure.

“They definitely thrive on a bad situation; they love the fact that they might know a little bit more than anyone else."

5. The 'I, I … I' person.

They step in at the last minute to swoop in and claim all the credit, leaving shocked co-workers in their wake. The people who claim all the success and cleverly distance themselves from any failure.

"Everyone’s been in a meeting and someone who has done none of the work suddenly comes out and says 'yeah, we’ve done this' or 'this was my thinking…'."

"The team that’s done the work is so dumbfounded they can’t actually speak, they can’t imagine someone has actually just done that."

The Arse kisser in the group.

6. Don’t Microwave Food in the office.

Cooking or bringing cooked smelly food is a no no, it’s a sure way to put people off and in most cases the smell lingers on.

If you must eat cooked or smelly food, open the windows.


7. Don’t Go Barefoot.

We all like to look good when we come to work, but what is the point of wearing 5” heel shoes to work if 20 minutes into your day you take them off and walk around barefoot? If you cannot walk in them, then I suggest you go form something more comfortable.

This is an office not the beach or your personal bedroom.

8. Don’t Set Your Ring Tones to WHO LET THE DOGS OUT.

There is nothing more off putting that being on an important call to a client and in the back ground; your colleagues’ phone goes off with the most inappropriate ring tone.

If you love your ring tone so much, I would suggest that you have you phone on vibrate during office hours.

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